Our Story
From the streets that brought you:
HAM LUN KOK (Oral Sex Corner)
and NGAU SHI WAN (Cow Sh!t Bay)
comes FOK HING GIN (damn tasty)
A city. A port. A harbour. A home. A tourist destination. A workplace. A peninsula. A former colony. The world's 7th largest trading entity (yes, we've been on Wikipedia).
But one thing it's not is a gin making city. It's better known for ginseng than gin. For Kung-Fu Masters, not Gin Masters. When it comes to making it, Hong Kong has always been happy for that to happen elsewhere.
Hong Kong and Great Britain will forever be connected - not just in the history books, but now in gin too. Distilled in Great Britain with the spirit of Hong Kong, let East meet West the next time your pour yourself a gin!

Please drink FOK HING GIN responsibly. And order it carefully. Bartenders and shop assistants may miss-hear you when you ask for it by name. And should they raise an eyebrow or, worse still, shoot you a killer look or even the dreaded finger, just calmly remind them that offence is never given, only taken. Then point to the bottle that bears our name and nod knowingly.
One other thing. Coming from a city as hectic as Hong Kong, it’s a bit of a surprise that someone had the time to discover that Fok Hing is actually an anagram of
Fate? Coincidence? Clever word play? None of the above? We’ll let you decide while you sip some.

Infused with the beautiful chaos of the place we call home, FOK HING GIN is a simply delicious drink from a pretty complicated place. All the light, colour, sound, atmosphere, variety and mayhem of the city, we've tried to distill it all into a drink. No easy task, but our Gin Master is convinced he's cracked it. In fact, it's so good, our Gin Master fok-hing swears by it.
What [he] puts in the mix?
Well, the Colonel never told anyone his secret recipe chicken, so our Gin Master isn't about to spill the beans or pure green jasmine tea. Oops. OK, that's one of the secret ingredients. The rest? Let's just say they are a selection of ten 100% natural botanicals, harvested from sustainable sources native to the Pearl of the Orient.